Go from point A to point B, seems easy right?
Complete with highscore and level saving features.* Featured on Albinoblacksheep, FlashFlashRevolution, and*
Won TWO Macromedia Innovation Awards in the Interactive Media category in 2005. I appreciate everyone that helped in develop..
A Sticks Quest
Go around, collecting items, learning abilities, killing monsters, and helping hobos!
Glowmonkey Street Sk8
Ride your skateboard the streets of 5 major cities around the world. Complete tricks to advance levels.
Spyker Tuning
Trick out this luxury supercar coming all the way from the Netherlands.
Claymation based game.
Click mouse button to shoot arrow and kill ghouls.
Use the Arrow Pad to navigate through the
cave. You are on ice, which is why you
can't stop whenever you want to. The only
way to stop is to hit a boulder or wall.
Duck Tiles
The Code Zone's classic ducky-sliding game is now available for free! Slide ducks and soaps around a slippery floor and try to get to the drains. It starts out easy, but it gets tough quickly.
Best Players
There are no best players! Play this game to be the best player!